The page in question includes more than one <h1> element within its content.
Why is this important?
An h1 tag is paramount for enabling users and search engines to ascertain the topic of a page quickly. Ideally, it should encapsulate the primary keywords of the page, effectively summarizing the page's theme.
Utilizing multiple <h1> tags might imply an unsound content framework, possibly weakening keyword relevance at the page level.
What does the Optimization check?
Any internal URL that employs the <h1> tag more than once will automatically cause this Optimization to be activated.
Examples that trigger this Optimization
Any web page that includes more than a single <h1> within the <body> tag will trigger this Optimization:
<!doctype html><html lang="en"> <head>...</head> <body> <h1>Our Company Logo</h1> ... <h1>Welcome to Our Company</h1> ... </body></html>
Why is this Optimization marked 'Potential Issue'?
This Optimization is designated as a 'Potential Issue' since it may not currently impact the site but warrants investigation for potential future complications.
Some argue the SEO significance of <h1> tags is overstated, dismissing concerns around their multiplicity as trivial.
Furthermore, HTML5 permits the use of several h1 elements in a document, without undermining its structural or semantic integrity. This Optimization is intended to highlight potential improvements rather than indicate a critical problem.