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  • Writer's pictureBrent D. Payne

Page resource URL is part of a chained redirect loop

The URL in question refers to a page resource that is part of a series of redirects leading back to an original URL (e.g. URL 1 -> URL 2 -> URL 3 -> URL 1), resulting in an unattainable resource.

Why is this important?

Redirected URLs indicate a change in page location, with 301 (permanent) and 302 (temporary) status codes directing users to a new address. A chained redirect loop involves sequential redirects that circularly connect back to the starting URL.

With page resource URLs, such as those for images or JavaScript, this can hinder the rendering of a page's contents, potentially degrading the user experience.

What does the Optimization check?

This Optimization is triggered by page resource URLs that are caught in a chained redirect loop.

Examples that trigger this Optimization:

Take the following resource URL as an example:

This Optimization is activated for URLs that return a 3XX HTTP status code:

HTTP/... 301 Moved Permanently...Location:


If also issues a redirect:

HTTP/... 301 Moved Permanently...Location:


And later redirects back to the initial URL:

HTTP/... 301 Moved Permanently...Location:


How do you resolve this issue?

Issues with chained redirects can impede proper page rendering, affecting the user experience and search engine indexing. To resolve these issues:

  1. Decompose the redirect chain to understand each URL involved.

  2. Ensure the resource resolves to a URL with a 200 (OK) status code for accessibility.

  3. Amend all references to this resource across the various URLs in the redirect chain.

How do you get more data from Sitebulb?

To dissect the redirect chain (step #1), look at all chain URLs. You can do this from the URL List by clicking the blue URL Details button, then reviewing the Redirect Chain section in the Overview.

To identify all URLs that link to each resource (step #3), click the grey View button from the URL List, located under the column No. URLs Referencing Resource.


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