This means that the URL in question has a title tag that is not in the <head> section.
Why is this important?
Search engines and users alike depend on the title tag for a concise understanding of the webpage's content. Positioned incorrectly, outside of the <head>, it could lead to issues with page rendering and interpretation by search engines.
As a critical factor in SEO, the title tag's presence within the <head> is non-negotiable. While Google's rendering process might correct incorrectly placed title tags, this is speculative and not a procedure to count on.
In a situation where search engines overlook the title tag, the webpage might suffer from reduced click-through rates (CTR) and potentially compromised search rankings.
What does the Optimization check?
Should a title tag be located outside the <head>, this Optimization will activate for the associated internal URL.
Examples that trigger this Optimization
Any URL with a title tag within the <body> will trigger this Optimization:
<!doctype html><html lang="en"> <head> ... </head> <body> <title>Oh what a page title</title> ... </body></html>
How do you resolve this issue?
An incorrectly positioned title tag is commonly the result of either a misbehaving plugin or a flaw in the webpage's HTML template.
Plugin error causing misplacement of the title tag
Mistake within the webpage's HTML structure leading to improper Document Object Model (DOM) rendering
Resolving such issues usually falls within the purview of a developer, who will need to investigate and rectify the underlying causes.
Ensuring your title tag encapsulates key SEO terms and conveys the page's purpose is vital and considered best practice.