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Writer's pictureBrent D. Payne

Contains Placeholder Text

The particular URL in review has been detected to include placeholder text within its content.

Why is this important?

Placeholder text is generally nonsensical text often represented by the classic 'Lorem Ipsum' Latin passage. It's a common tool for designers to structure and test webpages in the midst of the design cycle, pending the final text that will correctly reflect the content's intent in the live environment.

Occasionally, the rush to go live leaves these placeholder segments unaddressed, leading to a release of content with 'Lorem Ipsum' still in place. Naturally, the goal would have been to swap this with fitting verbiage, which may have been inadvertently missed.

As a result, any webpages carrying 'Lorem Ipsum' do not furnish a satisfying user journey, besides being less than optimal for search engine effectiveness.

What does the Optimization check?

The system flag is programmed to be raised for any internal URLs if they include 'Lorem Ipsum' text overlays.

Examples that trigger this Optimization

This alert would be activated by any web address encompassing a section of text that includes the term 'Lorem Ipsum' within the <body>.

<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head>...</head><body>  ...  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit...</p>  ...</body></html>

How do you resolve this issue?

Approach the enumerated URLs singularly and replace any sections of text containing 'Lorem Ipsum' with material that effectively engages your visitors and supports the objectives intended for your webpage.

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